A Southern Perspective To Love America Again
Greetings from my internet space! Just like the typical first-time blog post—where it is equal to standing awkwardly in front of a curtain of strangers to get to know you while trying to zip your pants—I am going to outline my plans for making the world a better place. Of course, this is authored through my own brain juices. Spoiler Alert. It involves writing. Buckle up, folks; it’s going to be a messy trip through Alabama’s backroads, splattered with humor, good vibes, and lots of heart.
Squeezing Life in a Glass Pitcher of Lemonade
In the mix of “fake” news reports, blaming news groups, and people believing the sky has fallen, it is definitely a natural thing to feel overwhelmed. As a rational person, I wear my logical hat, of course. I am going to be brave enough to draw my own lines of belief through the chaos and contribute to the discussion from my point of view. Always wearing a grin on my face, I keep a close look at my surroundings (the news). I ask questions like, “What were they thinking?” and “Was that really necessary?” You can think of me as a Southern news analyst dressed with less skill and more snarky.
Though my views aren’t entirely aligned with the current Republican platform (bless your heart), I am really fascinated how narratives are created and destroyed like tornados ripping across Dixie. The discussions I experience around me, particularly in the South, often remind me of a casserole potluck—everyone comes with something, whether it is a piece of the discussion or extra spice for the chaotic mix. And here I am, ready to dig in and share some researched thoughts.
Humor, the Serious Business
Please, before anyone calls out “Southern dumbass gone awry,” let me say I can deal with some serious issues involving a bit of dry yet completely light-hearted humor. I am not going to hit anyone on the head with my ideas, but stay aware of falling skies. The main point of my discussion is not to put my foot in the door but to help you develop a sense of introspection through irony. If we cannot amuse ourselves with the ridiculous events in the world, then how can we have any hope at all of being understanding and feeling for others?
I’d like you to have a perception that I’m your trustworthy navigator to the mystifying terrain of politics, religion, and cringy topics that carry a bit of fun to lighten up the mood. However, I implore you to take the bold step of mud tackling the prominent issues I bring. Don’t just take every single FOX News broadcast as the ultimate truth. We can share a hearty laugh on the ridiculous news cycles while also acknowledging how not everything is 100% as it is reported. Watch out, conspiracy theorists!
A Faith Anchor
Faith for me is like a compass—a metaphorical flashlight in an empty, dark forest on a hot and humid Birmingham night. Keeping me centered, it allows me to stay calm as I navigate through these controversial topics at hand while filling my mind with a politically correct amount of skepticism, grace, and understanding to weigh the result. Let’s be honest; I realize that genuinely open conversation is essential, even when the views are very diverse—right and left.
My political positioning doesn’t eliminate me from showcasing my deep emotional inclinations. My intent is to deal sensibly with the issues, socialize my ideology with a considerable caring attitude, and maybe entertain us all in the process.
Research: The Less-Known Hero
This is where we separate the eggs from the bacon—a true love in my heart and a deep respect for breakfast alone. Yum! But I can promise you that while my writing might involve some sarcasm (okay, perhaps a lot!), they are all based on serious regard for all. If I find myself in a situation where my point of view is being challenged, or if I’m at the center of an engaging argument, I will without a doubt immerse myself to pause and start an investigation like it’s a stash of donuts filled with wisdom sprinkled on—books, studies, podcasts, and whatever else! After all, it’s a matter of principle for me not to be an old man yelling at the clouds. Knowledge is power, and I plan to personify myself as an understanding superhero— tight costume not included!
Final words; NEVER!
So, what is my big idea for changing the world? It doesn’t involve being an egocentric billionaire. Simply, I will share my thoughts, add a bit of wit, and hope to spark real conversations. If you are as excited as I am about tackling the intricacies of current news, why not we do it together?
Let’s take time to laugh a bit, embrace the ridiculousness, and sometimes challenge one another—since, at the end of the day, what really means making a difference is talking, being sympathetic towards one another, and loving your neighbor (Welcome, neighbor!). So, find your comfy seat, grab a sweet drink, and let’s take a reinvigorated perspective on the world. Southern baked with an inquisitive mind and an honest heart.
Welcome to my blog; open a moon pie and enjoy!